Remove YoutubeAdblocker

YoutubeAdblocker is a browser add-on that’s supposed to help you block the advertisements that you see at the beginning and during certain Youtube videos. Even if some well-known add-ons such as Adblock allow you to block these advertisements, YoutubeAdblocker is not one of them—this add-on is not reliable and should not be trusted. YoutubeAdblocker is classified as a potentially unwanted program because it is generally “offered” and installed during the installation of other free programs. Its real goal is to investigate your browser so that is can offer you targeted advertisements—quite a stunt considering it’s a program that supposed to remove them.

Even if YoutubeAdblocker is not really a virus, we strongly suggest that you avoid keeping it on your PC: it can redirect you to more dangerous web pages or programs with the “advertisements” that it displays.

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Amina Benman: