Youradexchange is part of the domain name This link and its variations display a page brought up by an adware program lodged in your operating system, probably in your Internet browser (Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer). This page is displayed non-stop and usually alongside advertising or an error page.
Youradexchange is a platform that allows its clients to distribute advertising on the Internet and to keep track of the traffic that these ads generate. These ads are hosted by Youradexchange and that’s why you’re seeing the website’s domain name when the page is brought up by an adware program.
The adware program that displays this window time and time again was no doubt installed inadvertently on your machine. Usually, this kind of program latches on when you download free programs or fake software updates (like Java or Flash, for example).
Since we can’t find out the level of danger presented by the adware program that opens the Youradexchange pop-up, we advise you to start by resetting your browser and scanning your operating system with the free tools provided below.
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