Remove yandex.ru

yandex.ru it’s like its name shows a Russian website classified as a browser hijacker. We say hijacker because it literally hijacks your browser configuration to place its own default parameters, replacing your homepage and your search engine. This problem can affect Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

yandex.ru got into your computer after you downloaded and installed some free software. Every time you install something new to your computer you must always customize the install process in order to stop malicious software from being installed at the same time as the chosen program. You must also be aware of websites showing your fake messages saying you need to update your browser or one of its plug-ins, and avoid clicking on them no matter how legitimate or attractive they might seem.

yandex.ru has been developed with the capacity to stop you from manually changing back your browser’s parameters. To achieve this, it usually gets the help of a service or task within your operative system (installed by them of course), probably reinstating its own parameters after every computer or browser restart.

If you wish to get back your old homepage, make sure to follow along the guide shown below executing all steps in it.

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Michelle Lopez:

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  • And always have MORE than one browser installed even if you don't end up using all of them. I have the big 3(Chrome, Firefox and Opera) because they are the best and most trusted. If you have Mac you can also add Safari. I have Windows and Safari no longer updates its browser for Windows so I can't use it as a backup browser. Oh well. Hopefully they'll change their mind at some point. I'd really love to be able to use the UPDATED Safari for Windows. One can only hope. :)

  • AdWCleaner is good and it works. I have used it once before to get rid of a MyPCBackup shell file that I couldn't remove through normal means. The only thing is that it caused me not to be able to get into Chrome. Thank God I had Opera as well. I had to uninstall Chrome and re-install it. Get Malwarebytes. Malwarebytes is the best malware remover. You defintely need it. It's amazing! :)