Remove Web Bar

Web Bar is an adware, in other words an unwanted software. It’s a new way for the browser hijacker called Trovi (developed by ClientConnect) to enter you computer. In this particular case Web Bar presents itself as a new search bar available at the top of your screen.

This bar allows you to go directly to Facebook or YouTube with its icons. However if you use the home button (shown as a little house) you’ll be redirected to the browser hijacker Trovi…

This malicious software is distributed from different sources: you can download it from their “official” website or you could have gotten infected with a fake plug-in or fake software like the ones easily found in streaming websites. See below a good example of a setup program discretely offering Web Bar.

This annoying tool is always running in your computer trying to take out a good analysis of the way you browse, first of all to be able to show you customized ads that will pay them for it. However, you should know that adware like this also use all collected data to sell them afterwards.

It is best always to check with mindful attention everything offered when you’re installing something. Don’t try to go too fast by just clicking “Next”. Whenever possible use the “Advanced” or “Customize” option so you can remove every optional software offered along, as they can easily be dangerous for your computer.

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Michelle Lopez: