Remove Product Deals

Product Deals is the given name of a potentially unwanted program. This term is used to classify many programs that are not detected as dangerous by some antivirus software because they are not a virus per se. We say “potentially unwanted” due to its highly discrete manner to be installed in Windows.

Product Deals broadcasts as much publicity as it cans on every browser installed in our computers, it also spies on everything we do online. You can be sure that there’s no useful part of this program at all, unless you consider those spying and ad related actions useful… These intrusive ads are inserted directly onto the visited pages, this is often the cause of some unexpected bugs, plus it ruins completely the visual look of anything displayed in your screen. Normally we notice we haven been infected by Product Deals, when we start seeing ads tagged as Product Deals Ads or Powered by Product Deals.

It was definitely not through it’s website that we got infected (this website only exists to make public their conditions of use), it was through the download and consequentially installation of a freeware. By going too fast while installing, we fail to notice Product Deals  was included, thus we’re infected without a clue about it.

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Michelle Lopez: