Remove Popcornew

Popcornew is adware that clutters your computer up with ads. It’s presented as a browser extension that helps save money on your favorite products. As you might suspect, Popcornew is an adware that causes several problems on your computer. In fact, it is software designed to generate traffic and display inadvertently ads.

This software displays pop-up ads where you can find deals related to the product of the webpage you visit. Therefore, if you visit an online shopping site, Popcornew will offer you price comparisons through pop-ups.

Popcornew will slow down your computer as well as your browsing on the internet. It will also bring other problems to your PC attempting to convince you through ad banners that your computer or a plugin is not updated and that you have to fix it immediately by downloading a security utility which will turn out to be a scam.

Popcornew makes use of free software to enter your computer. For that reason, you should always customize the setup programs to install free software (usually offered by sites such as softonic or 01net). You have to be always really attentive to what you download and how you install it.

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Eleni Mastrogianni: