Remove Pine Tree

Pine Tree is related to a malicious software linked to free software often found in certain download platforms, such as softonic, soft32, zdnet, etc.

The goal of this infection is not only to show us as much publicity as possible, but also to spy on our every move in our computers. These ads can be seen as pop-ups, banners, or green or blue words highlighted and turned into links among the text of the visited websites.

Besides ruining your browsing experience, Pine Tree can save data about our browsing history like visited websites and searches done. All this data can be sold later to others interested in our profiles.

As told before, it’s by downloading freeware that we get infected. Just by going too fast while installing and not noticing what’s being offered you can end up with Pine Tree installed without knowing it.

This unwanted software is hard to remove, because it doesn’t include a proper uninstall program. Which is why we created this free guide.

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Michelle Lopez: