Remove isearch.bobrowser.com

isearch.bobrowser.com refers to a browser hijacker(literally a browser hacker) as it hacks your browser configuration just to place isearch.bobrowser.com to your default homepage and your search engine. Obviously, this happens without your consent so this site is considered as unwanted. It does everything to look like Google even to copy the Chrome logo because isearch.bobrowser.com goes often with an internet browser called bobrowser.

isearch.bobrowser.com and the browser bobrowser are usually set up after downloading a free program. Several programs or platforms that recommend this download such as softonic, are paid every time isearch.bobrowser.com is installed on a browser. That’s why this installation is always done as silent as possible. This installation is illegal when there is no mention for this page within the software you install.

If you use isearch.bobrowser.com, it will present you biased research results and it will record your research only to display you targeted ads.

isearch.bobrowser.com is promoted by an adware that can take the form of a browser extension or  Windows process/service. This makes it difficult to be removed. If you want to finally get done with it, you have to follow the free guide below.

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Eleni Mastrogianni: