Remove houmpage.com

houmpage.com is usually classified under the term “Browser Hijacker”, and make no mistake the hijacker part of the name is not an overstatement. This unwanted website installs itself as homepage in every installed browser replacing without asking for the user’s approval whatever homepage that was previously set up. Which is worse, houmpage.com is built in such a way that every manual attempt at removing its parameters becomes futile!

houmpage.com is usually installing following a freeware installation. This is why every time you install a new program into your computer you must always customize the install process (whenever the option is available of course), so you can avoid malicious software entering your computer.

Any search results you’re forced to see when houmpage.com is present, will be filled with ads, since those ads represent an income source for the page’s developers. The more their website is used, the more money for them.

Of course houmpage.com’s results are mostly fake, because even though some of them will come from a trusted source like Google, it will insert its own results in the best positions, exposing you to be guided towards online frauds and/or other kinds of threats for your computer’s safety.

If you wish to remove houmpage.com use the guide presented below, all recommended software is 100% free unlike what you might find all around the net.

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Michelle Lopez: