Remove Goto.maxdealz.com

If web searches made through your address bar are redirected towards Goto.maxdealz.com is probably because you have been infected with an unwanted web extension. These extensions are capable of change settings on your browser so any search is redirected towards Goto.maxdealz.com which in itself will redirect it towards Yahoo.com, the one that will finally show the results.

We show you below an example of a Goto.maxdealz.com redirection:

Whenever you search for something, you’ll be first redirected towards http://Goto.maxdealz.com, then the search will be sent to search.yahoo.com to finally be solved. Goto.maxdealz.com‘s developer uses Yahoo to make money through ads shown by Yahoo.

Your address bar is redirecting you to Goto.maxdealz.com because your browser has an unwanted extension installed. These extensions are created to redirect your searches both to collect data about your searches and to increase ad’s revenues.

If your browser has started to redirect searches to Goto.maxdealz.com, you must clean your computer as fast as possible. To remove all unwanted extensions and unwanted programs from your computer for free you can use the guide shown below. We strongly recommend you to use all programs included in our guide to be able to completely clean your computer.

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Michelle Lopez: