Remove Gophoto.it

The search engine Gophoto.it, which is often referred to as a “browser hijacker”, is put into place by free downloads that you’ve installed on your computer. Once installed, Gophoto.it will change your browser homepage and default search engine to search.gophot.it. GoPhoto.it will then display advertisements and sponsored links in your search results, and it can save your searches. Search.GoPhoto.it is used to increase advertising revenue but also to try and bookmark certain websites through methods that contradict search engine guidelines (Black Hat SEO), especially for the purpose of increasing the website’s ranking in search results.

The Search.GoPhoto.it page is financed by advertising. It is linked to a browser add-on that can modify your browser’s settings whenever it wants, including the home page and search settings, and it will set up a lock pattern to block out competing software or prevent you from changing its settings…

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