Remove Easy Calendar

Easy Calendar is a Chrome extension often considered to be malicious and unwanted, mostly because its installation is done without the user asking for it. Easy Calendar’s installation is linked to the download and consequently execution of install programs for freeware found online. If users are not the least concerned or aware of what they’re doing when installing something they downloaded from the internet (either drivers, PDF readers, video players or updates that turn out to be fake) Easy Calendar can quickly attach itself to Chrome and in some cases to Firefox and Internet Explorer too.

Unlike its pretty easy and effective installation, to remove Easy Calendar is no easy task. Actually is quite the impossible mission to try to remove it manually through the extension options in Chrome. Easy Calendar installs a series of measures to stop the users from removing it, forcing them to use some sort of removal tool or program to achieve it.

Easy Calendar quickly becomes the source of all ads seen by the affected user when he or she is browsing the internet. However that’s not all Easy Calendar does, the program has access to everything the user is doing online and offline (browsing history, web searches, geographical location), which is why we urge users to remove it as soon as possible.

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Michelle Lopez: