Remove DiscountSmasher

Does DiscountSmasher ads are giving you a hard time? Don’t look any further… in this page we’ll give you answers and solutions. The reason behind those ads is an adware that has infected your computer. We’ll offer you below free tools that’ll help you get rid of this threat.

DiscountSmasher is nothing more than an adware, (advertising software), and a very persistent one when it comes to fulfill it’s goal of showing as much ads as possible while you’re online. As a result, visual look of all visited websites will be completely ruined due to the fact that DiscountSmasher inserts its ads in every possible corner of the screen. These are inserted in real time and in many ways, such as: banners, pop-ups, green/blue links among the text of the visited websites, which explains a sudden decrease in the speed of your browser. Here’s an example of what DiscountSmasher’s ads look like:

These ads can also turn dangerous because they can offer you the installation of more unwanted tools. Which is why we recommend you not to click on those ads under any circumstance.

The best defense against this kind of problems rests in your own behavior. Be careful with anything you download from the net. Specially executable files (.exe) as many websites are offering these unwanted programs more and more.

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Michelle Lopez: