Coupon Factory is an adware that will display advertising on websites that you open with your browser. These ads are directly injected into the page and they wouldn’t have appeared if Coupon Factory hadn’t infected your browser. They also redirect the user to download unwanted software or to purchase various products.
Furthermore, Coupon Factory will pass your browsing habits on to a distant server in order to customize the advertising and create a database that can be sold to third parties.
Coupon Factory is quite often broadcast through free programs, fake plugins or fake updates. You should not download a program if you don’t know the source. You may give priority to official sites when you search for a free application and avoid sites such as softonic or 01net that modify the setup program in order to stick to programs adware like Coupon Factory. Also, avoid downloading plugins or video readers, proposed on streaming sites since they are malware nests.
Although there is a Coupon Factory official site, this adware is not legitimate. If you notice it on your PC, you should get rid of it as soon as possible.
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