Remove IdleCrawler

IdleCrawler is developed by the CigaClicks LP Company. According to this company, IdleCrawler works in the background of a computer…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove Ad by Browser Protect

Have you seen advertising with the mention Ad Browser Protect on your browser whether it’s Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer?…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove Shopop

Shopop is an adware, designed by My Pop Shop LDTV, which targets your browser to display advertising with the mention…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove PriceHorse

PriceHorse is an adware designed by the society PayByAds, known for delivering pop-up ads with the mention Ads by PriceHorse…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove WordProser

WordProser is another adware distributed by installers of free software that discreetly propose it . WordProser is described on his…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove StormWatch

StormWatch is an adware, specially designed to display advertising when used. An adware usually contains a “useful” part and a…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove AdPunisher

AdPunisher is an adware, malware designed to make money when it’s added to your computer without your consent. Some browser…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove AdGazelle

AdGazelle is an affiliate platform that, in particular, pays the adware designers. AdGazelle is usually detected by the anti-viruses or…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove isearch.bobrowser.com

isearch.bobrowser.com refers to a browser hijacker(literally a browser hacker) as it hacks your browser configuration just to place isearch.bobrowser.com to…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove KingThink

KingThink is an adware, parasite software that cannot be detected by your antivirus. It penetrates your computer during free downloads…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove SnipSmart

SnipSmart is an adware that is installed, without your knowledge, on your computer when you download free software and you…

Eleni Mastrogianni

Remove Vosteran

Vosteran (vosteran.com) is a website that is installed on your browser homepage without your consent. Vosteran is not installed by…

Eleni Mastrogianni