Remove DiscountSmasher
Does DiscountSmasher ads are giving you a hard time? Don't look any further... in this page we'll give you answers and solutions.…
Does DiscountSmasher ads are giving you a hard time? Don't look any further... in this page we'll give you answers and solutions.…
Record Page is an adware (meaning advertising software) whose unique and simple goal is to make money through the huge amount…
Glass Bottle is a software specially designed to broadcast publicity. In order to achieve this goal in a massive way, this…
Sale Charger has every characteristic of an adware, being also classified as a potentially unwanted program (PUP). This program offers, and we…
Are you being harassed by ads coming from Crazy Score? This means you've been infected with an adware. Don't panic, it's…
PriceMinus is a new adware, one that seems to be a new version of SalePlus. It's not exactly a virus,…
Dragon Branch is an adware whose main goal is to broadcast and insert ads in every website you visit. Adware is…
Key Shift is a name attached to a malicious unwanted program who takes advantage of users lack of attention when… is a name added by a ransomware to the extension of the files it has encrypted. In a general way,…
Sharp Angle is an adware wildly spread thanks to free software whose setup program includes this unwanted program. This technique allows them…
SquareTrace is an unwanted program that does nothing more than trying to trick you with its endless ads full of so…
Hard Case belongs to the family of PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). If you're being affected by it, is because you weren't…