Remove Loot Find

Loot Find is an unwanted program whose only reason of existence is to broadcast as much ads as possible to any…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Easy Calendar

Easy Calendar is a Chrome extension often considered to be malicious and unwanted, mostly because its installation is done without the…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Media Player Enhance

ads by Media Player Enhance is a title seen with certain ads, showing up in several websites you visit. Behind this ads…

Michelle Lopez

Remove tohotweb.com

tohotweb.com is a browser hijacker, meaning a program that changes several parameters of your web browsers by hijacking your own configuration,…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Extutil

Extutil is a parasite web browser extension. Avast is usually able to detect this unwanted extension, however is not really…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Daugava

Daugava is a unwanted program, which means that its installation has been quietly done by an install process that includes…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Go.Mail.Ru

If you've being redirected towards go.mail.ru  or mail.ru without no apparent reason, without a doubt you' are being the victim of…

Michelle Lopez

Remove MyWebFinding

MyWebFinding (mywebfinding.com) is a browser hijacker. It's called like that because it hijacks your browser's parameters to set its own, specially…

Michelle Lopez

Remove 123.sogou.com

123.sogou.com is a Chinese website that installs itself in your computer when an unwanted software has been executed. Only little mistake…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Discover Treasure

Discover Treasure is a potentially unwanted program that is being "offered" as an optional tool to people downloading free software whose…

Michelle Lopez

Remove fiber.js

If you've suddenly seeing a Windows Script Host error mentioning a path towards a file called fiber.js you can be certain that you're being…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Dalesearch

Dalesearch is a browser hijacker (dalesearch.com), which means that this page has been placed as your homepage with the help of…

Michelle Lopez