Remove Hotfresh

Hotfresh is an unwanted program also considered a malicious program because its developer makes no effort to explain the user all the…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Obzhora.net

Obzhora.net is a Russian website that offers cooking recipes. In order to artificially increase their traffic they use a mischievous…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Prestoris.com

If your web browser is constantly redirected towards Prestoris.com, there must be an adware infecting your computer. Being directed over and…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Weevah2.top

If your browser is constantly being directed towars Weevah2.top, it's quite possible you have been infected with an adware. This constant…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Wegotmedia.co

If your browser is redirected all the time towards Wegotmedia.co, chances are that your computer is currently infected with an adware.…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Google Custom Search

Google Custom Search is a Google service that allows any webmaster to take advantage of Google's indexing service. Google is not…

Michelle Lopez

Remove storage.googleapis.com

Google offers a wide range of tools to web developers to help them create and maintain their tools and services. storage.googleapis.com is…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Com Surrogate

Com Surrogate is not a virus, instead it is a process linked to Dllhost.exe. Com Surrogate might be overusing CPU resources even though…

Michelle Lopez

Remove qtipr.com

It's been some time now since Browsing Hijacking become so popular to infect users, so much that nowadays not one…

Michelle Lopez

Remove Search Engine

Search Engine is yet another program classified as PUP (Pontentially Unwanted Program). This browser hijacker changes your default homepage and search…

Michelle Lopez

Remove MegaOffers

MegaOffers is a potentially unwanted program, meaning that we're dealing with a program that antivirus tend to overlook and not consider…

Michelle Lopez

Remove tzzz1d1.ru

tzzz1d1.ru is a domain name that when seen over and over again on our browsers, we can be sure we have…

Michelle Lopez