Remove ADS2

Publicity labeled as ads by ADS2 or powered by ADS2 are shown by an adware (advertising software). By this we mean a little software whose only reason of existence is to show such ads; every time you visit a website this program will insert different kinds of banners filled with ads, sometimes directly on the website’s content, other times directly above the content or as a pop-up.

It is clear then, that ads shown by ADS2 are shown by a program that has been installed behind the user’s back. This kind of program is often attached to install process for freeware in such a way that unless we customize it before we install it, the adware will be installed at the same time.

This is why we must always customize every single install process executed in our computers. Users must also remember and take the time to read End User Licence Contracts to make sure that any software being installed won’t include an adware as mandatory. Antivirus software are unable to fight off a software that has been installed by the user itself as a consequence of not reading thoroughly.

Besides showing publicity by ADS2, the adware can degrade the computer’s performance and save important data about everything you do online. First of all this data is used to customize the ads shown, but it could also be saved and sold to others afterwards.

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Michelle Lopez: