Remove Ads Not by this Site

This guide will allow you to eradicate all advertisements generate by Ads Not by this Site that appear when you’re surfing the Internet with Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Ads Not by this Site is a browser add-on that will display numerous advertisements on the websites you visit. The words “Ads Not by this Site” are usually written underneath the advertisements, which can come in the form of classic banners but also pop-ups, banners on the top or bottom of pages, or sponsored links.

Ads Not by this Site probably infected your computer when you downloaded fake Java or Flash updates or when installing fake video players such as Youtube Downloader HD, Fast Free Converter, Video Media Player 1.1 or DVDX Player 3.2. Be careful never to install updates that are offered when you’re surfing the web. A general rule of thumb for installing software is to take your time in installing it and to create personalized settings so that you can uncheck anything that doesn’t interest you and runs the risk of polluting your computer.

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