Remove Surfvox

Surfvox is a browser hijacker. This website was created to install itself in your browser as a search engine replacing whatever page you had configured. This problem can affect either Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer.

Surfvox is based on Google Custom Search; it shows ads both in the home page and in every web search result it presents.

Surfvox.com is mostly installed as quietly as possible along with some free software you downloaded and installed in your computer. Certain software and/or download platforms get a commission for every time Surfvox is successfully installed into a user’s browser, this explains why the install is almost invisible.  Every time you’re installing something new in your computer is extremely important that you deselect some cases that might cause and adware to be installed.

Surfvox is then promoted and helped by an adware, which can take the form of a browser extension, a Windows process or a Windows service. This detail helps Surfvox keep its configuration in spite of any manual attempt coming from you trying to remove it. It gets really difficult to do it, of course this is quite normal, Surfvox‘s developer has no interest in your removing this website from your browser. To achieve it we present you below a simple guide with free tools, unlike many fake guides found online where they ask you for money.

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Michelle Lopez: