Remove SearchBetter.com

SearchBetter.com is a browser hijacker, meaning a website that literally hijacks your browser configuration in order to install itself as homepage without asking for your approval in any way. This page will take the place of any page you had previously configured as your home page forcing you to see and follow links towards ads and modified web searches that they turn into money. The more you use their website the more money they get.

SearchBetter.com is installed with the help of a browser extension or a Windows service, the presence of such aids also helps them make sure that to remove it becomes quite difficult. Clearly SearchBetter.com creators need you to keep that page as long as possible in order to increase their incomes, so they have taken all measures possible to keep the page in place.

They’ve even added a bar with links towards popular web services like Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, Youtube, Amazon, Twitter, Wikipedia, and Ebay, so you see it as a useful service. They hope that with to make a difference with that bar so you don’t feel the need to remove it.

Whenever you’re installing new tools or programs into your computer, make sure to customize the install process so you can reject anything you don’t want, this is a good way to avoid adware being installed at the same time.

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Michelle Lopez: