Remove DiscountExt

DiscountExt is a malicious broswer extension that pretends to be a very useful tool which will guide you to find the best offers and discounts online. Its reputation however is very different, it’s a program known for doing nothing more than to display huge amounts of ads that might also guide your browsing towards dangerous websites where you might end up downloading some other threat for your computer…usually some sort of Scareware.

From the very first moment DiscountExt is installed in your computer, the ads campaign will begin. You can see below an example with a couple of ads coming from DiscountExt: 

DiscountExt could also collect sensible data about you in order to sell it afterwards without you having the slightest idea about it. Of course, all this actions will also affect the performance of your computer and browser.

DiscountExt is offered as an optional tool with some random free software, this is how it achieves to be installed in our computers. Whenever you run an install program downloaded on the internet you must check thoroughly what’s being offered so you can reject any optional software you don’t want. With this simple step you will be able to avoid having unwanted programs being installed in your computer.

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Michelle Lopez: